“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community… Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.”

Cesar Chavez

Become a Sponsor

If you represent a corporate interest or a company seeking to give to worthwhile causes and believe in the C.A.R.S. mission and commitment to charitable support, please consider becoming a C.A.R.S. corporate sponsor.

100% of all sponsor donations goes directly towards the operating and charitable expenses of running the club. No compensation is paid or distributed to any member or other persons or non charity related organizations.

Also, being a sponsor is an incredibly rewarding experience! Depending on the type of sponsorship requested, companies receive graduating levels of recognition and spotlights at heavily-socialized events while simultaneously providing material support towards organizations committed to making this world a better place for the less fortunate.

If this is something of interest, we have 3 sponsorship tiers:

  • Bronze Tier
  • Silver Tier
  • Gold Tier

Bronze Tier

Silver Tier

Gold Tier




Official charitable tax receipt Official charitable tax receipt Official charitable tax receipt
Logo on Facebook, Instagram and website Logo on Facebook, Instagram and website Logo on Facebook, Instagram and website
Social media mentions and tags Social media mentions and tags Social media spotlight and tags
Referrals from the CARS community Referrals from the CARS community Referrals from the CARS community
Recognition Plaque Recognition Plaque
Logo on website sponsor page and digital event promotion Exclusivity to non competitive sponsors
Rights to display one event brand pop-up, sign or banner Logo on website sponsor page and digital event promotion
A thank you from all event speakers during opening and closing ceremonies A thank you from all event speakers during opening and closing ceremonies
Rights to use the official CARS logo for marketing Rights to display 2 prominently-placed event brand pop-ups, signs and/or banners
Rights to promote business on WhatsApp once per month Logo representation on event flag(s)
Invitation to speak promoting business at CARS events
Rights to use the official CARS logo for marketing
Rights to promote business on WhatsApp once per week
Complimentary 30-second video/commercial posted to the CARS Instagram and Facebook accounts


Interested in something custom or more aggressive?

We’d love to discuss your ideas! Contact us or send an email to [email protected].

Current/Active Sponsors

Property Zeus Commercial Cleaning (GOLD)

Property Zeus is DFW’s go-to service for shopping center cleaning and maintenance. They’re dedicated to serving shopping centers and commercial property managers and specialize in exterior cleaning of shopping centers. Their sole objective is to ensure shopping centers are maintained and are in prime condition for customers and tenants and provide exterior cleaning, pressure washing, junk hauling, striping and overall property upkeep.

They have been in business for 6 years and currently service many shopping centers throughout the metroplex!

Property Zeus!
A Shopping Center Cleaning Company
(469) 514-9000

Status Roofing (GOLD)

Status Roofing is a Gold Sponsor and roofing contracting company based in North Dallas. They are very active on social media and handle all roofing needs in the Dallas Forth Worth area.

Please support Status Roofing at statusroofingllc.com and show some love for a business committed to making a difference in the lives of others – including your roof!